Pursuing God’s Favor

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Encouraging Word

Jesus begins His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:1-10 with the beatitudes. What are the beatitudes? They are defined as supreme blessedness or a proper attitude that will bring divine favor or blessing. Attitude is defined as a way of thinking that influences one’s behavior. Let’s look at the beatitudes that Christians should strive to incorporate into their life.

1.  Poor in spirit. Found in Matthew 5:3, this beatitude means to be “lacking in arrogance” (Romans 12:3), to not be self-sufficient (Matthew 16:24), and to be dependent on God for all good things.

2. To Mourn. This beatitude in Matthew 5:4 means to have deep sorrow or regret over sin. Godly sorrow produces repentance. Those who mourn will be comforted.

3. Be Meek. Meekness is the beatitude found in Matthew 5:5. To be meek is to be gentle and humble, to have patient restraint, and to be submissive to authority. The meek will inherit the earth (Matthew 6:33), as they submit to God and seek His will.

4. Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. This beatitude found in Matthew 5:6 means to pursue God (Jeremiah 29:13). To pursue means to be diligent, to chase, and follow. Righteousness is living in a right relationship with God. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied.

5. Be Merciful. Mentioned in Matthew 5:7, this beatitude means to have compassion and concern for those suffering, to demonstrate forgiveness, and to withhold punishment or retaliation. Mercy is a two-way exchange- you must receive mercy and grant mercy.

6. Pure in Heart. This beatitude in Matthew 5:8 is defined as being clean, morally good, sincere, honest, free from corruption and compromise, and untainted with evil (James 1:27). Only those “spiritually clean,” shall see God.

7. Peacemakers. Found in Matthew 5:9, this beatitude describes someone who promotes peace through reconciliation. A peacemaker helps people find peace with God and one another (II Corinthians 5:20). Peacemakers shall be called sons/daughters of God.

8. Persecuted. This beatitude in Matthew 5:10 means to be treated cruelly or unfairly because of your faith. As Christians, we should stand our ground and live out our convictions no matter what. Persecution should not hinder us.

If we apply these beatitudes to our lives, we will be blessed and receive God’s favor.

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


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Encouraging Word

An essential is something that is absolutely necessary. Psalm 100 mentions four characteristics that are necessary for the Christian.

1. Joy. The first essential mentioned is joy (Psalm 100:1-2).  The dictionary defines joy as completely happy or blessed. A Biblical definition is “the confident assurance of God’s presence.”  There is a difference between happiness and joy.  Happiness is an emotional response to external circumstances. Joy is a spiritual fruit that comes from within the Christian (Galatians 5:22). Joy can be interrupted by sin yet restored through repentance (Psalms 51:12).

2. Service. The second essential is Godly service (Psalm 100:2). To serve is to perform duties for another and to show compassion for others. Galatians 5:13-14 says we are to serve one another, and we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Joshua 24:15 instructs us to serve the Lord.

3. Humility. The third essential mentioned is humility (Psalm 100:3). Here the psalmist says humility comes when we acknowledge who we are in relation to who God is. He is our Creator, and we are His people. Romans 12:3 says not to think more highly of yourself than you ought. And James 4:10 says to humble yourself in the presence of the Lord.

4. Thanksgiving. The fourth essential mentioned is thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4). Thanksgiving is to express appreciation, be grateful, and have an attitude of gratitude. A thankful spirit helps keep you humble, honest, healthy, happy, and holy.  

What is the basis for these Christian essentials?  It’s the Lord. Psalm 100:5 says, “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” These are essentials that every Christian needs:  joy, service, humility, and thanksgiving.

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


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Encouraging Word

Life has its ups and downs, its good days and bad days. As we travel life’s journey, we will climb to the mountain top and travel through the valleys. Even though we would like to be we are not exempt or excused from the adversity and challenges that life brings. As we experience life, we will at times struggle, stumble, suffer, need to sacrifice, and surrender. We must learn how to respond to these different situations along the way.

Struggle. Life has its struggles. Struggling is to strive to attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Stumble. As you go through life, there will be times you will stumble. Stumbling is to trip or lose momentum or to make a mistake. In I John 2:1, the Apostle John writes that if we do sin (stumble), we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ. Our responsibility is to repent, get up, and keep going.

Suffer. Unfortunately, in life, suffering is unavoidable. Suffering is to experience something unpleasant or to be in a state of continued difficulty. I am learning that suffering has its place. Romans 5:3-5 tells us that suffering leads to perseverance, proven character, and hope.

Sacrifice. As you travel life’s journey, on occasion there will be a need to sacrifice. Sacrificing is the act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important. Romans 12:1 says, “…to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” We need to sacrifice selfishness for holy living.

Surrender. To be successful in life, we need to learn how to surrender. Surrendering is to submit to authority. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus said, “…If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny (surrender) himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”  We need to follow Jesus’ example and surrender our will to God’s will!

As we travel life’s road, we will struggle, stumble, suffer, sacrifice, and surrender. Apostle Paul sums it up in 2 Corinthians 4:16, “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.”

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


Rowell Family

Miracle Moments

Brought to you by: Molly Maid of Birmingham, www.mollymaid.com/birmingham

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 

My parents divorced when I was young, and my mother was granted full custody. She married an alcoholic who sexually molested me. Fortunately, my kindergarten teacher noticed the signs of abuse and asked if I was being hurt. DHR was called, and I was immediately placed in my father’s custody. In the beginning, living with my dad and new stepmother was great, and I felt safe. However, the relationship between them and my mother was contentious. Over the years, those bitter ongoing conflicts took their toll. As a result, things with my stepmother rapidly deteriorated. Her mounting mental health crisis caused disagreements between us to escalate and eventually led to a physical altercation that prompted me to ask my dad if I could leave. 

Rowell Family
The Rowell family lives in Pell City, Ala. Amanda is a full-time mom and a freelance writer for Big Oak.

The years at Big Oak Ranch were healing. I developed close bonds with my houseparents and ranch siblings. I thrived at Westbrook Christian School and made friendships I keep to this day. I excelled at sports and loved being part of the youth group at our church. It salvaged what was left of my childhood and taught me that the generational curses that wounded me didn’t have to be left unhealed to bleed onto my children. After I left the Ranch, I made some decisions that went against what I had learned there. I had a daughter out of wedlock and then entered an unhealthy relationship with an alcoholic who exhibited abusive behaviors. One particularly hard night, I felt the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit say, “You are repeating the very things I delivered you from.” And I was. With His guidance, I left that relationship. I started all over again as a single mom until I met the man that came in like warm sunshine after a long rain. Lance loved my little girl as his own from the day he laid eyes on her, and seeing their relationship grow allowed me to begin to forgive my own early mistakes as her mother. We are now married and have added two (soon to be 3) more children to our family. Gracelyn (15), August (3), Junah (2) and our baby that is due this summer have parents that have committed to being spiritually and emotionally healthy. We are firmly rooted at Victory Church in Pell City, where we also live. Big Oak was the vessel Jesus used to show me what He could do through a healthy family that served and loved Him. The Ranch’s legacy through me is my deep unyielding heart for Jesus, my beautiful marriage and my precious babies. The greatest “thank you” that I can ever hope to give to Big Oak is to raise a generation that will never need the Ranch for themselves. Instead, maybe they will have hearts and hands to one day serve those, like their mama, that find their home there.

-Amanda Rowell

Big Oak Girls’ Ranch Former Resident

Miracle Moments


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Encouraging Word

We learn in Genesis that God is the Creator and the Source of life. Life is a gift from God and is to be celebrated. How can we celebrate life? To celebrate means to give special attention to and to recognize and rejoice as significant. Physical life is a gift and is sacred and should be treated as such. Spiritual life is also available. There is new life, abundant life, and eternal life.

To experience new life, one must be “born again.” In John 3:3, Jesus tells Nicodemus that a new birth is necessary to enter the kingdom of God. Just like physical birth is necessary for natural life, spiritual birth is necessary for new life (2 Corinthians 5:17). A new life in Christ leads to an abundant life.

In John 10:10, Jesus said that He came to give us an abundant life. Abundant means plentiful, full, and complete. Without Jesus in our life, we are incomplete. Something is missing. There is a “hole in the soul,” or a void that only Christ can fill and satisfy. I believe it was St. Augustine who said, “Man’s soul does not rest until he makes peace with God.”

Spiritual life involves new life in Christ (new birth), an abundant life (full, complete), and eternal life. Eternal means everlasting and existing forever. John 3:16 says that faith in Christ leads to everlasting life. In John 11:35, Jesus says He is the resurrection and the life and whoever believes in Him lives after physical death. Romans 6:23 says that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. So, let’s celebrate the physical life that has been given to us and the spiritual life that is available to us through Jesus Christ!

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


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Encouraging Word

The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 tells us to go and share the Gospel and make disciples. A Christian disciple is a student and follower of Jesus Christ.  Discipleship is teaching and training one to become like Christ. Matthew 16:24 gives us the steps to becoming a disciple: deny self, die to sins control, and be devoted to the Savior. Once a person decides to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior, there are three requirements to being a “Christ follower.”

1. Deny Self. This means to stop being selfish, to no longer serve or worship self, and to give up the myth of being self-sufficient. It also means to reject the unhealthy love of self and make room for Jesus and others.

2. Die to Sin. Jesus said to take up your cross. The cross meant death. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins, we can now have victory over sin. Revelation 12:11 says, “and they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…”  Jesus rescued us from the penalty of sin (Romans 6:23) and the power of sin (Romans 6:14).

3. Devoted to the Savior. Jesus said to “follow Him.” Follow means to adhere to, come after, and become like. He is to be our Teacher, Master, and Guide. We are to receive His teaching, follow His example, and submit to His will. Romans 12:1 says that we are to present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice.  Galatians 2:20 says that we are to be crucified with Christ so that He can live in us.  II Corinthians 5:17 says that we are to become new creatures “in Christ,” with the “new” overtaking the “old.”

Let’s make sure we are committed to Christian discipleship by denying self, dying to sin’s bondage, and being devoted to the Savior!

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


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Encouraging Word

Beginning a new year, you normally do two things. You look back by remembering, reviewing, and reflecting. You then look forward as you resolve to focus on what goals need to be set and what steps need to be taken to be productive and successful. In Joshua 1:5-9, we are given four ingredients to success: God’s Promise, God’s presence, our preparation; and God’s provision.

1. God’s Promise. Joshua 1:5 tells us that God promises to be with us and He will never fail us or forsake us. God promises to empower us and give us victory as we encounter various tests, trials, tribulations, and temptations.  We need to be aware of God’s promises and activate them.

2. God’s Presence. Joshua 1:5-9 teaches us that we always have God’s presence. God is omnipresent and His Holy Spirit comes to dwell in the life of the born-again Christ follower. John 14:16 says the Holy Spirit will be with the Christian forever. I Corinthians 6:19 says, the believer’s body is a temple (dwelling place) of the Holy Spirit.

3. Our Preparation. Joshua 1:6-9 gives us four areas that we need to focus on. We are to:

  • Be strong – able to withstand pressure and show determination.
  • Be courageous – moral strength; not deterred by danger, fear, or adversity.
  • Observe (obey) – very attentive; to comply with.
  • Be focused – determined; and committed.

4. God’s Provision. Joshua 1:7-8 teaches the importance of Scripture. We need to read, meditate, receive, believe, apply, obey, and live it. II Timothy 3:16, 17 and Psalm 119:11, 105 tell us the value and necessity of Scripture.

As we begin a New Year let us make use of God’s promise, God’s presence, God’s provision, and the need for our preparation. May you have a very blessed 2024.

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


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Encouraging Word

Temptation is universal. All of us have encountered temptation- even Jesus (Hebrews 4:15). No one is exempt or excused.

Temptation is the attraction to sin and the invitation to do something wrong or unwise. James 1:14-15 says it begins with a thought, then the thought turns to desire, and desire leads to action, and the action becomes sin. Sin leads to death. So how is the Christian to react to temptation? James 4:6-10 gives us some direction. We are to humble ourselves, submit to God, draw near to Him, and resist the devil.

Humble Ourselves. Humility is a modest view of one’s own importance. Romans 12:3 says not to think more highly of yourself than you ought. I think humility is honest self-evaluation and knowing who you are in relation to who God is!

Submit to God. Submit means to yield to the authority or will of another. We need to pray Jesus’ prayer where He said, “Not My will, but Thy will be done.” We need to exercise Romans 12:1, where we are to present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice. We need to surrender to God and His will for our lives.

Draw Near to God. We need to have a close walk with God. You can draw near through the Scripture (Word of God); through prayer (communication with God); and by yielding to the Holy Spirit’s leading (be filled with the Spirit).

Resist the Devil. Resist is to withstand, try to prevent, struggle, fight back when pressured, refrain from doing, or refuse. In Luke 4, Jesus resisted by using Scripture and being full of the Holy Spirit. 

I Corinthians 10:13 promises us that when temptation comes, we have a promise that God will provide a way of escape, so we don’t have to yield. So be encouraged. Even though temptation can’t be totally avoided; it can be resisted and overcome. Praise the Lord!

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


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Encouraging Word

Colossians 3:17 says in whatever you do, in word or deed, do it as unto the Lord. To me, that means to do it with all your heart. With all your heart means to feel or believe it very strongly.  It also suggests being all in, not holding anything back, and being committed. This should describe our relationship with God. As people of God, we should love God, seek God, trust God, and serve God with all our hearts.

Love God. In Mark 12:30, the greatest commandment says to love God with all our hearts. This kind of love (agape) is unselfish, unconditional, unwavering, unfailing, and unending. Revelation 2:4 says that Jesus should be our “first love.” Are we in love with Jesus?

Seek God. Jeremiah 29:13 says that we will find God when we seek Him with all our hearts. Seek means to search, look for, attempt to find, desire to obtain, and pursue. Matthew 6:33 says make it a priority to seek God and His will. And Matthew 7:7-8 says to make it a practice. Continue to ask, seek, and knock. Are we seeking God’s will for our lives?

Trust God. Proverbs 3:5-6 says,“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Trust means to believe in, rely on, have confidence in, and place your faith in. We are to trust God and not ourselves; to yield to God and follow His path. Trust God no matter what!

Serve God. Joshua 22:5 says we are to serve God with all our hearts. In Joshua 24:15, Joshua tells the people that he and his house will always serve the Lord. Serve means to perform duties or services for another and to put the needs of others before our own. 1 Samuel 12:24 says,“Only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you.” Let’s follow Jesus’ example by being a servant.

With all our hearts, let’s love God, seek God, trust God, and serve God.

-Tony Cooper

Operations Director of Foster Coalition


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After the loss of a loved one, the first holiday season can bring on a great deal of stress, anxiety, depression, anger, and sadness. Community Grief Support is offering 3 free “Hope for the Holidays” workshops to help those who are facing their first holidays as a loss survivor. The workshops are offered in two different locations and virtually. Learn more here.

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