The most targeted and direct way to reach the Christian community through digital content and print advertising.
Audience Demographics
35 - 64
Primary Readership Ages
$110,000 +
Average Household Income
90 - 96%
Pick Up Rate
4 - 8 weeks
Average Shelf Life in Home
Yearly Website Users0
Social Media Followers0
Engaged Email SubscribersEmail Open Rate 2.5x the National Average

The Difference: Reader Loyalty
Reader loyalty has been a huge part of our success. Because of the emotional tie to our product, readers know that by supporting our advertisers, they will help the publications continue.
It is not uncommon for an advertiser to tell us that a reader stopped by their business and said, “I’m here because I saw your ad in that Christian magazine.”
Our readers feel a trust in the advertiser as well as a support for a ministry. 100% of our readers are your prospect.
Where do readers find us?
Birmingham Christian Family magazines are published every month and distributed in high traffic locations throughout the five county area of Birmingham. Through our Find A Copy web tab, they can enter their zip code and find a place close to them to pick up the latest issue. Readers also access the issue as e-subscribers.
Counties: Blount, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair, Walker
Monthly Distribution Per Issue: 10,000
Circulation Per Issue: 25,000
Family Restaurants (including Chick-Fil-A)
Physicians Offices
Coffee Shops
Fitness Centers
Thrift Stores
Retirement / Assisted Living
Hair Salons
Automotive Care and Sales Facilities

Additional Value for Advertisers
News editorials in departments such as:
- Faith at Work
- The Arts
- Music Notes
- Outdoors
- Best Books
- Healthy Living
- Senior Scene
- The Home Front
- Money Matters
- Eating Out
- Youth News
- Cool Stuff and more
Free calendar event listings and additional listing in Advertiser Resource Guide.
Editorial Calendar
Web Advertising
Birmingham Christian Family offers its advertisers the opportunity for both Print & Digital Ad Placement.
- Monthly Digital Rates for Web Ads
- Web Ad Specs: Square Web 300 x 250 Pixels, Banner Web 600 x 160 Pixels
- Web Ad Content: Space allows for approximately 60/75 characters and one image or logo.
- Special Rates available for customers placing both print and web advertisements.
Content Campaign
Click here to learn more about this advertising option that includes half page of content in print and digital issue of Birmingham Christian Family, digital ad on plus content posts on multiple social platforms, boosted posts, content shared in reader E-newsletter and where applicable also church leader and education leader E-newsletters.
Request a Media Kit
Complete the form below to request a media kit that includes the available advertising opportunities. Or to speak with us immediately, call 205-408-7150.