Punching Holes in the Dark
I often feel the need to apologize to God, for surely I am a man of inexcusably small faith. I am too prone to stress over the darkness in this world, too susceptible to waves of despair over the depths of cruelty humanity can sink to, and far too inclined to focus on what is wrong than what is good and lovely and true. Yes, the darkness around us is real. But so is the kingdom of God. If I were a man of great faith, I would concentrate more on the power and light of God’s Son than on the power of darkness which still holds so much of the world in its rebellious grip.
In his latest book, Punching Holes in the Dark (Abingdon Press), author Robert Benson shares his thoughts about the tension all Christ’s followers face as we endeavor to live as children of light in a world of darkness. It is a wonderful work, filled with thoughtful reminders that the Kingdom of God is around us, a kingdom immersed in light and life and love. All we need are eyes to see, ears to hear, and a desire to push back the darkness whenever and however we can.
What does punching a hole in the darkness look like? For some, it’s preaching the gospel with words of grace. For others, it’s offering a cup of water in Christ’s name or sending notes of encouragement to those in distress. Don’t despise the small things, for even the tiniest ray of light can penetrate a room of darkness. Punching Holes in the Dark encouraged me to punch harder than I have in the past. I want to be more faithful and forgiving, more compassionate and kind, more joyful and hopeful. Instead of whining about the world, I want to wake up each morning with the hope of being part of what God wants to do in the world that day, however small or seemingly insignificant it may appear.
One day, the light of Jesus is going to overwhelm the world, and darkness will be annihilated forever. All that is wrong will be made right. We will live as God always dreamed we would live. Wars will cease, justice and peace will reign, death will be overturned, and sin will yield to love. We will live in the light of His city. And I won’t have to apologize to God anymore.
– Darrel Holcombe, Owner
Sanctuary Christian Books and Gift
Colonial Promenade, Alabaster