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The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

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Best Books Tony Evans Bible CoverI once asked a group of students to offer one word which best describes the gospel of Jesus. When the class had finished offering words about salvation, atonement, and repentance, we turned to Mark’s gospel and encountered a word that was not offered by any of the students. Jesus preached the good news of the in-breaking kingdom, a word which Mark used to encapsulate the gospel. It is a word curiously absent from most soteriological discussion, and our theology is impoverished by its loss.

Best Books Tony Evans Head Shot
Dr. Tony Evans studied at Dallas Theological Seminary and has written over one hundred publications, including the books Kingdom Man and Kingdom Woman. These books and The Tony Evans Bible Commentary are available at Sanctuary Christian Books and Gifts in Alabaster.

Dr. Tony Evans has been preaching and teaching about the kingdom of God for over fifty years. In his new commentary of the Bible (Holman Bible Publishing), Dr. Evans offers a passage-by-passage exposition of the scriptures. Central to his understanding of the gospel is an appreciation of the sovereign rule of God. From Genesis to Revelation, Dr. Evans invites the reader to live every aspect of their life as citizens of the kingdom of heaven. The rule of God is comprehensive and empowering, for there is nothing about the human condition which is of disinterest to God. As disciples of Jesus, the kingdom of God should be what defines us.

Dr. Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. He is the author of over one hundred publications and his radio broadcast is heard in more than 130 countries, including more than 1,000 outlets in the United States. He is the first African-American to publish a substantive Bible commentary and study Bible. These are very significant accomplishments, but the most important contribution of Dr. Evans’ ministry is a lifetime of faithfully sharing the gospel of God, proclaiming that the time is now, the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the good news.

Darrel Holcombe, Owner
Sanctuary Christian Books and Gifts
Colonial Promenade, Alabaster


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