Photo Fun Picks for Kids Tide and Tigers

The Tide and Tigers Join Together with Children’s of Alabama

Photo Fun


For the ninth consecutive year, Children’s of Alabama has teamed up with the University of Alabama and Auburn University football teams and Wells Fargo in the “Picks for Kids” campaign that will run throughout the 2019-2020 football season. As part of the “Picks for Kids” campaign, Wells Fargo will donate $1,000 to Children’s for each pass interception made by the Tide and Tigers. In eight years, the program has raised $219,000, and funds directly benefit the more than 1,800 children treated each month in Children’s Hearing and Speech Center. Photo Fun Picks for Kids Girl with Big Al

“We are extremely proud to continue supporting the work that Children’s does to diagnose and treat kids in its Hearing and Speech Center through the Picks for Kids campaign,” said Wells Fargo Central Alabama Region Bank President Leigh Collier. Children’s invites Alabamians of all ages to participate in the program by making their own pledges at

Photo Fun Picks for Kids Group with Check

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