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“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). Every church was meant to grow. Is yours growing? The Perpetually Growing Church is a how-to book unearthing the best practices of churches experiencing a decade or more of numeric growth.
When a local church is a unified, biblically functioning church, tuned in to the power of the Holy Spirit, culturally relevant, exercising church growth principles and practices, and led by spiritually mature, gifted, God-honoring leaders and pastors, it has the potential of being a perpetually growing church.
Author Rick Howerton has given his life to learning church, leading churches, and consulting churches. He has been a church planter, pastor, groups pastor, campus minister, teaching pastor, and church consultant. He is a highly sought-after trainer, speaker, and author of multiple books and Bible studies. Howerton has spent his adult life networking with, consulting, and learning from influential church leaders whose churches experienced numeric growth for ten years or more. They are perpetually growing churches. Many of them are the most influential churches in America. This book unearths the practices that were consistent in those churches. If you want to lead or be part of a perpetually growing church, this book is for you.
What are others saying?
“Reading this book is like being able to sit and chat with a trusted friend who knows ministry inside and out. Rick brings decades worth of conversations, strong leadership, and hands-on coaching to the table. I found the book to be challenging and a much-needed encouragement to be dedicated to the Kingdom work and think strategically.” ~Amazon Review by Rodney
“Rick has finally done it. He has taken all the church growth and healthy learnings over the last 50 years of the church and served them up in The Perpetually Growing Church. If you are the lead pastor or serve in leadership of your church, this book is a must! There are so many gold nuggets to help your church reach your community, you don’t want to miss any of them. If Kingdom focus is the mission of your church, pick this book up.” ~Steve Gladen, Elder and Pastor of Small Groups at Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California
“Rick lays out a clear path to leveraging church-growth practices and gives us examples of ministries that are keenly focused on catalyzing conversion growth. Rick’s experience speaks into what makes these places successful at reaching and connecting people to Jesus.” ~Amazon review by Bill Donahue
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