The Great Outdoors

From Deer Season to Turkey Season


Deer Season Ends… February brings the end to yet another deer season and hopefully everybody had a bountiful one! When you pick up your meat from the processor, if you run out of room in the freezer or have more deer on fall mutedmeat than you can use, share your harvest. There are plenty of people right here at home that could use the meat, because they are not hunters or maybe things are just tough at the moment and the extra food would be helpful. As hunters and Christians it is important that we keep an eye out for one another, help those in need, and use every opportunity to share what God has given us.

Also, consider using the next couple of weeks as a time to clean up the hunting camp and preserve the beauty God has given us. Clean out your shooting houses, take down your stands and leave no trace behind. Not only will it make returning next season that much nicer and easier, but it will also set a good example for the younger generations of hunters, teaching them how to respect the land that provides for us.

Turkey Season Begins…turkey in woods side shot Spring turkey season will be here before you know it (March 15) and now is the time to prepare. In addition to planning where to hunt and scouting, you should take an inventory of your turkey gear and get supplies early. The longer you wait the harder it will be to find your go to ammo and warmer weather camo. Get your guns out and go ahead and sight them in. If you don’t have time, just come by and see us at Mark’s Outdoors and let us get you ready to slay that giant gobbler.

Matt LovettScreen Shot 2016-02-04 at 3.20.19 PM

Mark’s Outdoor Sports

1400-B Montgomery Highway, Vestavia 35216




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