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Spring Cleaning Tips to Avoid Spring Pests

Our House


The weather is warming up and the flowers are blooming. With the coming of spring, many homeowners are heading up their spring-cleaning checklists. Make sure to protect your home by cleaning hotspots for spring pests in and around your property. Here are four areas to cover. 

1. The Yard. Infestations start outside, so tackling your yard needs to be at the top of your to-do list. 

  • Take time to check the outside of your home for any damage, cracks, or crevices. These can be common entry points for spring pests. 
  • Repair your roof where necessary, addressing any winter damage, broken tiles, or shingles. Be on the lookout for rotting wood or moisture. 
  • Clean out all of your downspouts and gutters. When these are left unaddressed, they can lead to moisture buildup.
  • Check seals around your windows and foundation and apply sealant where necessary. Cut and trim shrubbery and branches that are close to your home. Remove rotted wood or tree stumps around your home as these are a favorite among termites.

2. The Basement. Basements are a destination spot for many spring pests and rodents because they usually have clutter, dark corners, and moisture. 

  • Clean out your basement thoroughly. Go through your storage containers and clutter, discarding where possible. 
  • Replace cardboard boxes with plastic counterparts. These are harder for spring pests to penetrate and help eliminate a common hiding place. 
  • Check your walls and floors for cracks or crevices and seal up any you find. 

3. The Kitchen. Spring pests, like ants, love kitchen spaces because of the availability of potential water and food sources. Crumbs, spill residue, and food left out are some of their favorite snacks. 

  • Clean out all of your cabinets and pantry. Discard stale or outdated foods and spices.
  • Thoroughly clean the inside of your cabinets and replace old shelf paper. 
  • Vacuum behind your appliances.
  • Clear off your counters and give them a good scrub, looking for any sticky spots or residue in hard-to-reach areas. 

4. The Bathrooms. Spring pests are attracted to moisture, making bathrooms a likely place you’ll find them lurking. 

  • Check for any leaky faucets, pipes, or water spots and fix/replace where needed. Make sure to look around your shower or tub for any water buildup.
  • Remove and wash your liner and shower curtain. 
  • Clean out and scrub down bathroom cabinets. 

For the best spring pest prevention, your home needs to be professionally protected. Vulcan Termite and Pest Control, Inc. offers expert care combined with professional experience and service. Contact us today and protect your home from spring pests this year!

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Serving the State of Alabama Since 1965


Thank you to Vulcan Termite & Pest Control, Inc. for being a sponsor of BCF’s 2022 Scholarship Opportunity for graduating high school seniors living in the five-county area of Birmingham. Apply at Deadline 03/16/22.

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