Church Leaders Sensory Friendly Mass Prince of Peace sanctuary image

Sensory-Friendly Mass

Church Leaders


Dedicated to those with special needs and their families, caregivers, teachers and friends, Prince of Peace (POP) Catholic Parish in Hoover will hold a sensory-friendly Mass on Saturday, February 16, 2019 at 5 the main sanctuary. The POP Knights of Columbus Council #11537 are coordinating the Mass which will be followed by dinner in Deasy Hall. This Mass will offer sensory adaptations in sound and lighting and is designed to welcome individuals or families who might not normally feel comfortable participating in Mass. POP leadership explains, “It can be challenging for our brothers and sisters to participate at Mass due to physical and social barriers – or even family member anxiety. Celebrating a sensory-friendly Mass for people with special needs is our way of welcoming all of God’s children to Mass and letting them know that every person is an integral part of our parish family.” The parish is located at 4600 Preserve Parkway, Hoover. Learn more by calling205-822-9125 or visiting †


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