Church Leaders
Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church (OLS) in Homewood is partnering with Food For Our Journey (FFOJ) in collecting and donating items to people in need in the Birmingham metro area. FFOJ executive director Kelly Greene said that on April 1, during the inaugural collection, parishioners brought around 400 sandwiches, 280 bags of chips, 50 pounds of fruit, dozens of snack and cereal bars, fruit cups, over 1,200 bottles of water and other drinks, a dozen cases of cheese or peanut butter crackers, and sweets, including homemade cookies and cupcakes. Greene expressed gratitude and delight in response to the OLS collection: “It was wonderful!” The mission of Food For Our Journey is “to deliver meals to the hungry, putting God’s love into action.” The FFOJ truck will be in the OLS church parking lot every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to accept donations. †