Mission Makers
Golfers and Clay Shooters – how would you like to take your game to the next level? What’s better than crushing a long drive or vaporizing a clay target? The answer is… being able to crush that drive or bust that clay to help Sav-A-Life Shelby save babies and minister to young women facing crisis pregnancy situations!
Sav-A-Life Shelby is located in Pelham and brings the life-changing power of the Gospel to not just women facing crisis pregnancies, but also to their friends, boyfriends and family members who are all affected. Since the opening of its doors in 1985, thousands of lives have been saved through Sav-A-Life Shelby. In the words of TIME magazine, pregnancy centers are the “kind, calm, nonjudgmental” face of the pro-life movement. The Pregnancy Resource Center of Sav-A-Life Shelby offers help and hope through compassionate care and support. The Center provides free and confidential pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, abortion information, parenting classes, and material assistance are just some of the many services offered to empower women and men to make a life-affirming decision.
If you’re interested in bringing an eternal impact to your golf or sporting clays game, Sav-A-Life Shelby enthusiastically invites you to be part of this year’s Target Zero Sporting Clays and Golf Invitational at Pursell Farms in Sylacauga. Come out on October 17 for a morning shoot and afternoon golf event to raise needed funds for this special ministry. Participants raise funds through personal sponsors prior to the shoot (like a walkathon). To register and set up your personal fundraising page visit www.shelbyclays.org. For more information, contact David Anchors at 205-746-5740.