Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction

Every Family Deserves Hope


Wear a mask. You should not wear a mask. Wear gloves when you go to the grocery store. Gloves are no longer necessary. We have reached the curve. No, we haven’t. Who is accurate, and whom should I be listening to? I’ve never been through a pandemic before, so I do what I think is best and listen to the experts. But whom do I listen to when the experts seem to be in conflict with one another? It all feels so confusing.

I feel a similar parallel in my spiritual life. It is the tug-of-war between listening to the world that I live in or listening to the voice that is often small and still and so very consistent. I’m referring to the voice of God, the Holy Spirit that speaks to our hearts and minds as believers. Although I’ve never heard the audible voice of God, I’m thankful that God does speak in numerous ways each day. His voice speaks to us through the words of others and from His Word as we read His instructions for life. We hear the Lord speaking in songs and in prayer. I’ve concluded in my walk with God that He is always willing and ready to speak, but the challenge is my willingness to hear His voice. At the beginning of 2019, I wrote a simple phrase down that was to be one of the priorities for my year. The idea was to experience a sense of noise reduction.

Noise reduction for me has become the routine of allowing less clutter in both my mind and my heart. It’s the challenge of being in the world but not of the world. Noise reduction has become this daily ritual of not just minimizing the impact and influence of the things of this world but actually turning up the volume of the voice of God. During this exercise, I’ve found the words in Romans 12:2 to be a guide. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Micah Andrews Headshot-Micah Andrews, MPA 

Andrews is the CEO of the Foundry and has served in ministry for more than 25 years. His family worships at and serves through Church of the Highlands. To learn more about The Foundry, please visit

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