Mission Makers
A Celebration of Generosity: National Christian Foundation Alabama Turns 10
After retiring from the food brokerage business in 2008, Birmingham’s Tom Bradford felt God calling him to use his gifts to establish The National Christian Foundation (NCF) Alabama, an affiliate of NCF, the largest Christian Foundation in the country. He was later joined by his son Jim Bradford and they have been serving givers for 10 years now. “I thought my purpose was to raise money for the Kingdom, but I discovered my main purpose should be to change people’s lives, “said Tom Bradford as he addressed supporters at a recent NCF Alabama 10th Anniversary celebration. “One main portal of changing lives is giving- establishing a network to encourage each other to be generous givers.”
Over the last ten years, NCF Alabama has inspired giving that has exceeded $155 million in charitable grants to more than 2900 civic, educational and religious organizations. With the mission of “mobilizing resources by inspiring biblical generosity,” NCF Alabama has gone from serving 12 families in 2008 to serving more than 600 Alabama families with donor advised funds for their charitable giving. “Our goal is to simplify your giving [by use of the internet], to multiply your impact [by smarter use of the tax codes], to glorify God [by releasing more resources into the Kingdom],” explains Bradford. “It is a great way to manage and keep track of your charitable giving. There is no minimum amount to open a fund and no minimum amount to keep in the fund.” A couple of other unique aspects to an NCF Donor Advised Fund compared to other donor advised funds is that NCF monitors all grants that go out to be sure they meet Christian standards and all fees associated with your fund go to a Christian ministry, NCF.
“Wherever you are in your journey of generosity, just get in the game!” says Jim Bradford referencing his favorite verse from 2 Corinthians 9:7, “…God loves a cheerful giver.” He adds, ““At NCF we seek to help our donors walk closer to the Lord and be cheerful givers, that’s WHY we do what we do.” To find out how a donor advised fund could make sense for you and your family, visit www.ncfgiving.com/Alabama or call Jim Bradford at 205-563-2388.
- Laurie Stroud