Special Feature

Generations of veterans have served and sacrificed to protect America and ensure its freedom. Opened in Feb. of 2014, the National Veterans Shrine at the American Village in Montevallo, Ala. strives to honor veterans and preserve their stories of bravery for future generations. Patterned after Philadelphia’s Carpenters Hall, the Shrine houses major sculpture and paintings by nationally-renowned artists depicting our veterans’ service and sacrifice for America and its freedom. Outside on the brick plaza, buried beneath a sculpture depicting liberty, are soils taken from blood-stained battlefields around the globe where Americans have paid the price of liberty.
The Shrine also houses the Veterans Register of Honor, a website and database containing the photographs, biographical sketches and stories of veterans in every generation since the American Revolution who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Visitors are able to select and view personalized multimedia presentations honoring individual veterans at eight computer kiosks located within the Shrine.
The American Village staff encourage veterans and active members of the U.S. Armed Forces to enter their service and biographical information, and to upload photographs and videos on www.veteransregisterofhonor.com. A group with the Leadership Shelby County Class (LSC) of 2019 realized this has not been an easy task for many veterans and their families due to factors such as age and technology challenges. This LSC group began a community service project in the fall of 2018 to help the American Village promote the Veterans Register of Honor, raise awareness within their respective communities and increase the number of entries in the database. Volunteers have gathered contacts from a variety of sectors including funeral homes, nursing homes and veteran service organizations.
Whether you know a veteran or are a veteran yourself, the Veterans Register of Honor is a great way to preserve your service for generations to come. Your sacrifice and dedication to America is appreciated and deserves to be told. Please visit www.veteransregisterofhonor.comto start uploading your story today. †