Jessie Anthony Family

Memories of Christmas at Big Oak Ranch

Miracle Moments


Brought to you by: Molly Maid of Birmingham,

Community Partner 25 Years“For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Some of my favorite memories of growing up at the Ranch are from Christmas. It was such an exciting time! Christmas always started the day after Thanksgiving with decorations galore!

Jessie Anthony with Big Oak Family
Jessie Anthony is seen here with her Big Oak family celebrating Christmas.

Dad took us to pick out a live tree, and when we got home Mom would make hot chocolate while we blared the Jackson Five Christmas Album and decorated the tree. Each year, all of the children, houseparents and staff gathered at the office for a Christmas celebration of food, family, and carols- but, most importantly, to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ. On Christmas Eve, Mom would read the Christmas Story while Dad hung the nail at the bottom of our tree.

Jessie Anthony Family
Jessie and her husband Max have four children and spend Christmas Eve at Big Oak Ranch.

Now that I have a family of my own, Christmas looks a lot like it did when I was a kid at Big Oak because we have continued those traditions. It is still one of my favorite holidays. My family gets a live tree each year, and we spend hours picking out just the right one at a local tree farm. Most of the time, it ends up being way too big for our living room. We always take a trip to Noccalula Falls to see all the Christmas lights and visit with the animals. Though I have grown up and have a family of my own, you will find us home at Big Oak on Christmas Eve, playing ridiculous games and spending time with our family and loved ones. Christmas has always been such a magical time for me, as well as other children at Big Oak, and we thank them for all they do to make every Christmas so memorable!

-Jessie Anthony

Miracle Moments

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