church leaders Larry Ragland I see greatness in you head shot

I See Greatness in You

Church Leaders

"My hope is that every reader will experience the unlocking of their true potential and fully see themselves the way God sees them," says Birmingham author and pastor, Larry Ragland.
“My hope is that every reader will experience the unlocking of their true potential and fully see themselves the way God sees them,” says Birmingham author and pastor, Larry Ragland.

Pastor Larry Ragland of Birmingham’s Solid Rock Church has written a new book, I See Greatness in You, which shares a story we all know and need. It tells of his own redemption, how he was transformed by the grace of God and the weight of five words: “I see greatness in you.” Before hearing these words, Pastor Ragland believed that there was no greatness in him, but this simple sentence inspired him to live up to his potential.

Pastor Ragland weaves biblical narratives throughout his personal account, using both well-known and obscure names to show that the Bible itself is a redemption story, a metanarrative of people realizing the greatness in them. Pastor Ragland says, “We learn together that every great Bible hero’s story is filled with some form of abuse, rejection, loss, or pain. But through it all, the greatness was still there. It just needed to be revealed.”

He says it was difficult to write about something so personal, but he was motivated by the realization that the pain and struggle of his own past was shared with the biblical names we all know and respect as well as with other believers. This opened up a door to fulfill his own potential and hopefully to help others fulfill their own. However, this is not just a personal account. As Pastor Ragland puts it, “I know this story because I lived this story. But this is not just my story. This is your story! This is everyone’s story!” With this book, he hopes to speak those words into every reader so that we all can see ourselves the way God sees us.

Author: Larry Ragland
Author: Larry Ragland

This is Pastor Ragland’s first book. “I have always had a strong desire to write books,” he explains, “but the truth is, I never knew if I would be able to. I now know this is something God has called me to do. I plan to write for the rest of my life.” You can find Ragland’s book in paperback and eBook formats,

Pastor Ragland and his wife Sandy started Solid Rock Church in 1994. The church is located on Pinson Valley Parkway and services are held at 9 and 11 a.m. on Sundays and 7 pm. on the first Wednesday of the month. Learn more at

-Regan Green 

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