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Grandparenting with Intention

Senior Scene


“Intentional Christian Grandparenting” is the heart cry of Larry Fowler, founder of Legacy Coalition, a ministry seeking to harness the incredible potential of grandparents to influence the next generation for Christ. Fowler spoke to over 100 grandparents of the Dawson Family of Faith Church at their Grandparenting Matters Conference held February 28-29.

Senior Scene Grandparenting Summit Larry Fowler teaching 2
Larry Fowler will be one of the speakers at the Fourth Annual Legacy Grandparenting Summit at Shades Mountain Baptist Church, 2017 Columbiana Road, 35216, on September 17-18. Registration is open here.

Jim Gifford, Minister to Adults at Dawson, previously attended Fowler’s Grandparenting Matters Conference in 2018 at Shades Mountain Baptist Church. From that conference, Gifford recognized the importance of encouraging and equipping Christian grandparents to pass their faith to the next generation and invited Fowler to share his message with grandparents at Dawson.

Fowler’s passionate message encourages grandparents to set a course toward intentionally living and sharing their Christian faith before their grandchildren. Along with his insightful message, he engages his audience through generational relays, group discussions, and a stage display of legacy potential for four generations! Fowler will return to Birmingham this September for the Fourth Annual Legacy Grandparenting Summit and the first one east of the Mississippi!

David Jeremiah will be this year’s main speaker. Although known internationally as a pastor, teacher, and author, Pastor Jeremiah is also grandfather to 12 grandchildren. Over 20 other nationally known speakers, authors, musicians and entertainers will compose two full days of conference.

Legacy Grandparenting Summit 2020 will be held September 17-18, 2020 at Shades Mountain Baptist Church in Vestavia. For information on Summit 2020 speakers, schedule, and registration, visit

-Cynthia Moss Special Feature Grandparenting HEAD SHOT Cynthia Moss

GrandLife Director of Shades Mountain Baptist Church

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