Healthy Living
You can have peace regardless of your circumstances. My life was killing me. Every morning, when it was time to get out of bed after a night of not sleeping, I would lie there, preparing myself for all the problems, worries, lack, fear, anger, and resentment that would start chasing me down from the moment my feet hit the floor.
My husband and I were raising our children. Our oldest daughter is mentally and physically challenged and has a chronic seizure disorder. We also cared for my mother-in-law through cancer and dementia. My husband is an only child, so her care fell fully on us. I gave up my career to do the caring. Our finances were cut in half. Our goals and dreams were shattered. Our marriage was struggling. There was never enough time, resources or energy to get it all done. I was not enough. There was a growing list of people I was letting down. I became angry, resentful and fearful – living in a constant state of stress and burnout.
Then, while reading my Bible in the wee hours of another sleepless night, these words leaped off the page at me from Romans 8:6, “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” These words whispered to my aching heart, “Peace is choice.” I thought, “Yes, Lord, but how?” The Voice whispered Exodus 14:14, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” “That makes no sense. How can I be still with everything that is chasing me down every day,” I questioned? “Renew your mind. Stop listening to the father of lies (Romans 12:2). Listen to Me (John 10:27). Don’t be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to Me. And My peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind” (Philippians 4:5-7). And with that, the anxiety lifted.
That was fifteen years ago. Yes, I have been gripped by panic and fear since then, but I know there is a Way out. Peace is possible regardless of my circumstances. Peace is a choice.
-Mary Tutterow
Author of The Heart of the Caregiver & The Peaceful Caregiver, Download a free PDF of her Five Simple Steps on The Path to Peace at & read her blog at