Special Feature
Brought to you by: Community Partner White Plume Technologies https://www.whiteplume.com
For 37 years, the ministry of Young Business Leaders (YBL) has worked to provide true community and accountability to business men in Birmingham. More recently the organization has added Women Business Leaders (WBL) to minister to women. This community is built up through weekly small groups and one-to-one mentoring. YBL further serves and gathers the community through large events to enrich the lives of those in the marketplace, bringing in speakers such as Dan Cathy, Mark Richt, J.C. Watts, Joe Gibbs, Spencer Tillman and more.
YBL is a primarily volunteer organization. Staff members work to enable busy men and women to have their own ministry in the marketplace. The businesspeople that join the community do so both to be helped and to help others work through the challenge of living out their faith in a variety of contexts, industries and situations. It is framed around the questions –
How can I tangibly share God’s love with my co-workers and colleagues?
How can I be a man or woman of integrity, and be a blessing in the community in which I live and work?
To answer those questions, YBL of Birmingham is trusting God to transform the marketplace — by winning men and women to Christ, building them up in the faith and sending them out locally, nationally and internationally for the glory of God
Henry David Thoreau insightfully said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation”. However, Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly.” YBL hopes to help men and women in Birmingham find the life that is truly life. To learn more about YBL & WBL, investigate events, or see how they can help connect you with a mentor or a small group, call 205.776.5450 or visit www.ybl.org. †