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Broken Yet Rescued: How the Gospel Impacts Your Family Relationships

Parenting Points


If we were to pull back the curtain of “perfect” social media posts, we would have to acknowledge that there is one word that describes every family – brokenness. Our homes, marriages and relationships with our kids are defined by the fact that we are sinful people in relationships with one another. At its core, relationships can be hard and messy, yet the Gospel is a message that applies not just to our eternal status but our relationships as well.

In describing the Gospel, Tim Keller posted on Twitter in June of 2013, “You are more sinful than you could ever dare imagine and you are more loved and accepted than you could ever dare hope.” As we enjoy the summer season where our time with our kids and families is increased, let us remember these Gospel truths:

Our Families Are Full of Broken People. When we get frustrated and aggravated by the brokenness and disfunction in others, we must remember that we are broken as well. None of us is without sin and does the right thing every time. We must look to our own brokenness and from that place of brokenness extend grace to others.

Jesus Is the All Sufficient Savior. Our brokenness points us to the need of a Savior who can restore us. So often, we want to be the savior for our families. We want to fix everything, make others change and be the hero. Jesus is the Hero and the One who is doing His work in our lives and the life of our family.

Find Our Hope in Him. We are tempted to put our hope in the perfect family lunch, the flawless vacation to the beach or our child’s perfect performance. These are all things that are too weak to rest your hope. Our true hope is in Jesus and the perfect world that we long for which comes the moment He returns and makes all things new.

Look for opportunities to embrace the Gospel in your family, to share the Gospel truths with your family and to rely on Jesus to be your rescue and your hope.

-Dr. Ben Birdsong serves as the Minister of Students at Meadow Brook Baptist, and also writes and blogs at

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