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Faith at Work: Jeremy Miller

The Day I Met My Father


Being raised by my mother, who was a single parent, I started getting into trouble at an early age. I left home at the age of seventeen. I thought I had it all figured out, but nothing in my life changed; trouble with the law, drugs, and everything else that follows. I was like that until I turned 30 and was incarcerated. I had tried to blame my circumstances on everything else but the right reasons. One of my major excuses was not having a father figure in my life, for the most part which was right.

The day I received Christ as my Savior, life had pushed me to the breaking point. Everything was out of my control. I didn’t realize, God had put so many people around me. I was so lost in my own world that I never saw it. These people stood by me through God’s love, and never gave up hope; hope being defined as waiting expectantly. They knew God would change me, because they had what I lacked, Faith. I realized the reason I had failed in life was because I had no Father in my life. The day I met my Father, I found out that He had always loved me. He gave me forgiveness, grace, a new life, and most of all love when I didn’t love myself. What I’m most grateful for is, even though this life has challenges, He is there with me through it all.

God’s Word promises me that my new life is forever. He will never leave me, and most of all, He will never stop loving me. Everything is brand new for me. Everything looks differently now because I see through God’s love and His eyes.

This is the testimony of an incarcerated man that is serving a Life without Parole Sentence inside of a prison in the State of Alabama

-Jeremy Miller 

Miller serves in one of our Alabama Correctional facilities as a We Care Ministry Chaplain. To learn more about how you can be involved in prison ministry visit or listen to his podcasts, “Detention to Redemption” on ITunes and Stitcher Radio.

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