Living Deeper: 5 Characteristics of Generous People
- Pure in Motive. Generous people give without expecting anything in return. It doesn’t matter if they receive personal gain, accolades, or any other recognition; they simply see a need, realize God placed it in their pathway, the Spirit said to meet the need, and they do it. God may bless them for their generosity, but it is never the motive of their hearts. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” 1 Timothy 6:17-19
- Think Futuristically. Generous people know how they would want the world to be. They want people to be kind, loving, giving, understanding, and compassionate; and they realize that the only way the world becomes what they desire it to become is if they become that, personally. So, they look ahead into what they would want the future to look like, and give generously to that end. They also recognize that they have eternity in their future and seek to store up their treasures there. And, since the only thing that lasts forever is people, they give to those things that minister help and hope to others. “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” Matthew 6:1-4
- Do their Homework. Generous people give to the causes that they have studied. They make sure that the cause is ethical, moral, and supports their own personal passions. They get to know the people who lead it to find out if they are trustworthy to
be a good steward of what is given. They also find people who they admire and believe in, and then come alongside them to give to what they are passionate about. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:5-7 - Join the Work. Generous people give their money in addition to rolling up their sleeves and doing their part to help the vision become a reality. Generous people are so others -focused that they spend enormous energy and time on the passions of their hearts with no thought of exhaustion or fatigue. They spend time with people in need, which reminds them to be grateful for what God has given them, and more compassionate to those around them.
- Sacrifice Intentionally. Generous people give up something in order to give to another. They know that to offer something without some sort of sacrifice is no real gift at all. King David said it like this, “I will not offer anything that cost me nothing.” Generous people intentionally take their lunch for the month and spend their monthly lunch money on what they believe in. They skip their morning coffee run, and make it on the way out the door instead. They give up personally to give out purposefully.
Founder of Living Deeper Ministries and Author of the Living Deeper book series. Launching Deeper, Area Wide Women’s Gathering January 10 at Southeastern Bible College. See Calendar page 26 for more details and register at