Best Books 0620 Practice of Godliness

The Practice of Godliness

Best Books

The Practice of Godliness
Jerry Bridges was the author of more than a dozen Christian living books before his passing in 2016.

I recently participated in a discussion about which books, aside from the Bible, had influenced us the most. Among my top five is an older title which I still recommend to guests at our bookstore. It doesn’t matter what denomination you are from, how mature you are in your faith, or how nuanced your literary taste is, The Practice of Godliness (Navpress) by Jerry Bridges is a book which I can suggest without hesitation to any reader.

It’s been almost forty years since The Practice of Godliness was published, so it obviously isn’t new. It is, however, one of the best books I’ve read on the subject on living the Christian life. Every Christian is called upon to be intentional about practicing godliness, and the scriptures tell us what such a life looks like. Humility, contentment, joyfulness, self-control, and faithfulness are only a few of the virtues which Jerry Bridges explores as he reminds us that aspiring to live a godly life is not optional for those who wish to follow Jesus. Peacemaking, patience, and gentleness are mandated for all who proclaim Christ as King. Last of all, there is love, by which all men will know we are truly followers of Jesus.

The fruit of the Spirit, the evidence of genuine discipleship, has nothing to do with power. Nor is it about the number of people we’ve evangelized, the amount of verses we’ve memorized, or the amount of time or financial support we’ve offered in service of our church. One can excel in all these functions and be a deeply ungodly person. The depths of our commitment to live a Christian life is directly connected to the depths of our love and compassion. Without love, we are nothing.

-Darrel Holcombe, Owner

Sanctuary Christian Books and Gifts

Colonial Promenade, Alabaster


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