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How Important is He?

Special Feature


“The desire to live a life pleasing to Jesus and serve Him joyfully expresses our love for Him. This is only possible when His life becomes more important than our own.”

OUCH! Does this step on your toes like it did mine? A dear friend shared this with me one morning, and it put me in a place of wonder. I am wondering if I am genuinely serving joyfully. Do I please Him in all I do? Does my life show His importance?

As 2020 begins, it’s a great time to evaluate life and what is taking precedence in your daily walk. 2019 has been a great year, and I saw God move in many different ways in my life; however, am I genuinely showing others (including my family) that His life is more important than mine?

I will admit that somedays, I do not serve joyfully. I let schedules and frustrations rob me of serving my family. I let these components in life take over and take precedence in my life, which in turn knocks the one and only true God out of my daily schedule, and my eyes then become focused on the world. Oh, how the enemy loves for this to happen.

Once we leave Him out one day, we will find excuses for it to happen again and again, and eventually, a month has gone by, and we have not opened the Word for ourselves. When we leave Him out, we are making our lives more important than His – the one who came and died on the cross for our sins. Each day we have a decision to wake up and live for Him. Each day we have a choice to wake up and show Him and others our love for Him. Each day you have a decision to pick up your cross and follow Him.

With our busy schedules, work, and all that life throws at us, we must make His life more important than our own. Be guided by the Word, and daily show others the joy you have in serving a God who went to the cross for our sins. Join us for Connecting Women Conference: Joy! Let us all walk away refocused on Christ and finding Joy in the everyday.

-Cheryl Goss Screen Shot 2019 12 28 at 3.03.45 PMcheryl goss headshot

Founder of Connecting Ministries, host of the February 21-22 women’s conference, “Joy” at the Lyric Theatre, Birmingham, Ala. Featured speakers include Cheryl Goss, Sheila Walsh and Kim Hargett.For more details and to register visit, founded to come alongside churches, organizations, and individuals, equipping and empowering them to live out God’s Word.

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