As we approach our national political election, what can we do as a nation to effect positive change? I would suggest that there are three things that would be helpful: Remember, Repent and Return to God.
Remember. Look at our history. Our nation was founded on Biblical teaching and Judeo-Christian values. Many of the founding fathers were men of faith who adhered to Christian principles. America was great because it was good; it was good because it was established on the foundation of Bibli- cal truth. God indeed blessed America!
Repent. To repent means to have remorse and turn away from. Sin is trans- gression of God’s law; it is to disrespect, dishonor and disobey God. Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” As a nation we have turned away from God. My hope and prayer is that God has not turned away from us! II Chronicles 7:14 says that we should humble ourselves, pray, seek God and repent of our wicked ways. In doing so, God will hear our prayer, forgive our sin and heal our land.
Return. Let’s return to God so that He can restore us to a right relationship with Him. Once again we need to be “one nation under God.” We also need to get to the place where we can say “in God we trust.” We need to claim Psalm 121:1-2,“I will li up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”
Let me encourage us to remember what made our country great; repent of our sin; and return to almighty God so He will continue to bless America!
Tony Cooper Celebrating 26 Years of Service as Exec. Dir., e Jimmie Hale Mission