0724 Best Books Chosen


Best Books


“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” 1 Peter 2:9-10 

Chosen- An Intricate Weaving of Art, Scriptures and Memories brings together God’s word, memories, and stories that create a beautiful tapestry of resilient women. These tales pay tribute not only to my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother but also to all the women who have shaped our lives. By intertwining personal experiences with reflections on God’s word, this book ignites a connection between the past and the present, breathing life into faded memories and illuminating the shared experiences of previous generations. It gives insight into the lives of those who came before. 

Chosen Cover
The idea to write Chosen came to Jane Lazenby in 2020. To learn more about this book full of art, short stories and more, visit www.janelazenbyart.com.

I have written this book with the intention of immersing readers, both young and old, in the captivating memories of generations past. It serves as a bridge, connecting the gaps between different ages and laying the foundation for understanding and celebration of future generations. For girls, this book offers the opportunity to gain insights into the bygone times through shared memories, enabling them to develop a better understanding of the generations that preceded them.

Jane Lazenby
Birmingham native Jane Lazenby is self-taught artist and word collector. She finds great joy in the process of bringing characters to life on canvas or in written form.

As they read these stories, they will be able to connect with their own experiences and relate to the tales in a whole new way. Mothers, on the other hand, will find a deeper connection with the stories as they recall their own personal experiences. They will be able to share their own stories and create a dialogue with their daughters, fostering a deeper bond and understanding between generations. Finally, grandmothers will delight in retracing the footsteps of days gone by, reminiscing about a simpler world that they once knew. The stories will bring a smile to their faces, evoking cherished memories and sparking conversations with their granddaughters.

Ultimately, this book aims to create a sense of unity, appreciation, and reverence for the past. It encourages readers to reflect on the experiences of those who came before and to embrace the journey that lies ahead, collectively celebrating the beauty and wisdom of each generation. Visit www.janelazenbyart.com to learn more.

-Jane Lazenby

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