0624 You Can See Him

You Can See Him

Best Books


In an uncertain world, children need God more than ever. In her latest book, You Can See Him, Little Eyes Looking at a Big God, Birmingham author Anna Nash, known affectionately as “Nanna Anna,” draws upon her extensive experience as an author, speaker, and teacher to address the challenge of conveying the complexities of faith to young minds. 

Anna Nash with grandchildren
Author Anna Nash loves to help people find God’s calling in life and spend time with her grandchildren. She is a life coach and the director of the non-profit ministry Beacon People.

Fueled by her own experiences as a grandmother and a lifelong fascination with children, Nash offers a captivating narrative that effortlessly intertwines simplicity with profound truths. Through vibrant illustrations by Birmingham artist, Jane Lazenby, and carefully crafted storytelling, You Can See Him not only introduces children to the wonders of God but also equips parents, educators, and caregivers with a valuable resource for fostering faith and curiosity in the next generation. 

Anna Nash and Jane Lazenby
Anna Nash is seen here with friend and book illustrator Jane Lazenby.

You Can See Him weaves together words and pictures in childlike language to help children see God through fresh eyes and tender hearts. The children’s book encourages readers to recognize God in relatable ways. While the book’s primary audience is children, its universal messages resonate with readers of all ages. Fifty pages of creative words and colorful pictures provide opportunities for both grownups and children to look and see God in magnified ways through the simple, personal everyday life of a child. You Can See Him launches June 1, 2024. For details on surrounding events such as book signings and children’s gatherings to celebrate, visit  www.annanash.net. †


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