Interested in writing for Birmingham Christian Family (BCF)?
Send us an email telling us about your story idea and why you think it is a good fit for BCF. Answer questions like: Why would our readers be interested in reading your article? How is it honoring to the Lord? It is also helpful to look at recent issues to be sure we have not recently published an article about the same topic, company, etc.
All articles for BCF must be related to Christianity and be glorifying to Jesus Christ. We have a wide range of article types including: Miracle Moments (share how God has worked in your life or you have witnessed how He has worked in someone else’s life), Faith at Work, Parenting, Education Extra, Healthy Living, Special Features, Church Leaders and more. We suggest reading several articles on our website, to see how the Christian faith is a central part of each article.
Format Guidelines: 400-450 word count, submit as a Microsoft Word Document, Times New Romans font and single spaced. To be considered for inclusion in the following month’s issue, an article must be submitted on or before the 5th of the current month. Also, please understand that we cannot guarantee that your article will be published immediately, due to space constraints. If we decide your article is a good fit for BCF and reach out to you, you must sign a Contributor License Agreement giving us permission to publish your article. If specific images/pictures are referenced in your article, be sure to email them with your article, at the highest resolution possible, jpeg preferred.
Thank you for being interested in writing for BCF!