Education Extra
Helping others in the community and around the world is a vital part of the lives of the students and faculty at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School (OLS). Each school year, the entire school works in a variety of ways to live their Christian faith by reaching out to those in need. These bright young children along with their dedicated teachers give of their time, talents, and treasures to people who are less fortunate. In the Fall of 2017, the students began their community service with a special fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. In addition, they donated shoe boxes filled with basic needed items and donated them to the Cross Catholic Outreach’s “Box of Joy” program for poverty-stricken children in underprivileged countries. Annually, the Christmas holidays is always a special time for the school. During the recent holiday season, the school came together to participate in more than nine separate projects through charitable donations and acts of service. Each grade worked on a specific endeavor that ranged from visiting a nursing home to collecting toys for children in need.
“Participating in different projects allows our students firsthand experience in sharing with those in need,” said OLS Principal Mary Jane Dorn. “It is a great opportunity for the children to learn how they can help those in our community, as well as those in other parts of the world by working together to share our Christian faith through service,” she said.
For the remainder of the school year, some OLS future projects include the “Let’s Make a Change” donation during Catholic Schools Week where the children and teachers collect change. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother supporting the mission community in Ecuador. In addition, during Lent they will collect food for area families and give it to the Birmingham Catholic Center of Concern to distribute. On a larger scale, they may also choose to bring monetary donations for the Missionary Childhood Association for children across the globe. “We are always excited to help others through our donations and service as a school,” said Mrs. Dorn. “We are blessed every day, and we take joy in sharing our blessings with others by working together as a school community.” Learn more about Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School at or call 205-879-3237.