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What’s Your Story?

Publisher’s Note


As we remember and honor our fathers this month, my Daddy’s Big Hugs are at the top of my gratitude list. Something about the way he wraps me in his arms, melts away the worries of this world and replaces them with a blanket of security. During this time of quarantine, I have missed those hugs, but I am so very thankful to still have my father in my life and look forward to one of those awesome hugs soon.

The challenges we have all faced these last few months have “taken” ‘from us but what have they “given us”?

For me it is gratitude for all those hundreds of hugs my Daddy has given me throughout my life. It’s the daily walks I have been able to have with my sons abruptly home from college.

It’s the family “zoom” calls- something I had never done before quarantine!

It’s the live concert my brother performed from the balcony of his home in San Diego that I was able to watch from home in Alabama and “cheer” him on through group Facetime!

What about you? Through this challenging time what has God given you?

We would love to hear from you! Share with us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter or send us an email we can share. Let’s encourage one another by telling the stories of how God is at work in our lives right now!

-Laurie Stroud Franklinbcf laurie stroud 199x300 199x300

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Celebrating 20 Years of Good News!

“Look to the Lord & His Strength, Seek His face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11 (Holman Standard)

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