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What is God’s Story for Investing?

Money Matters


In all of Christian life, we have two competing stories in front of us that shape the way we view concepts like investing. First, we have God’s story, rooted in the Bible. God’s story helps us move beyond just financial returns—to the how, who, and why behind our investment strategies. Alternatively, the world’s story for investing is often simply the pursuit of maximum risk-adjusted returns. God’s story starts at Creation, in the Garden. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1). God created man in his image to work and to keep God’s creation (Gen. 2). After the Fall, stewarding God’s creation brought difficulty (Gen. 3), but our charge has not changed. God still owns everything, and we are to continue as good stewards of his creation (Ps. 24:1). 

Does God Really Care How I Invest My Money? Thankfully, God did not abandon his creation when man fell, but God immediately began his work of redemption. As Christians, we are the first fruits of God’s new creation, and we are to reflect his work of redemption until he ushers in the new heavens and the new earth. God owns it all and cares deeply about how we invest our money (Matt. 25: 14-30; Luke 16: 1-13; 1 Tim. 6: 9-10).  There is no biblical prescription for investing, but there are principles upon which we can build. Investing is a wisdom call and a personal conviction, informed by Scripture. While there are no perfect companies that completely align with Christian values, Biblical discernment guides us to ways we can practice faith-based investing.

  • Negative screening avoids companies with harmful products or practices, such as abortion and pornography. 
  • Engagement strategies allow investors to act through such means as communication with corporate leaders, shareholder resolutions, and proxy voting. 
  • Positive screening means investing in companies that actively promote the common good or redemptive practices—such as innovation in medical research or implementation of corporate chaplaincy, along with serving communities and employees well. 

What Should I Do Next? Pray and seek counsel from others. Then find investment partners that align with your priorities, create compelling value, and drive capital to make a positive impact in this world. Through purposeful strategies, we take steps toward investing our money in God-honoring ways that create meaningful change and lead to greater human flourishing (Matt. 22:36-40). 

Watch the video below to learn more about God’s story for investing.

BMSS Wesson Wealth Solutions offers comprehensive financial planning and investment strategies aligned with your values. We specialize in serving business owners, corporate executives, and families stewarding earnings or inherited wealth. Qualifying portfolios may be eligible for a review at no cost. 

Bradley MooreBMSS Wesson LogoBradley Moore

BMSS Wesson Wealth Solutions


[email protected]

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