
War Dogs Saved from the Middle East

The Family Pet


Last month Two by Two Animal Rescue was proud to announce that we’ve received seventeen dogs from the war-torn area of Gaza and Israel. If we’re being honest, even though we were thrilled to be asked for help and to be of service, it was also a very scary decision to make. A lot of thoughts ran through our minds – not about where they would go, but about how they would be. Everything would be different for them; the smells, the sounds, the language, the terrain, the weather, the other animals in the area… Would they adapt well to the changes? Would they be scared out of their wits? 

Pictured is Bathsheba who is adjusting to living life in Alabama.

A month has gone by, and we finally know some of the answers. These dogs are unlike our other rescues in many ways. First, they do not understand to concept of toys or treats. We provided each dog with a gift bag as a welcome and each one included some treats and a stuffy toy. All stuffy toys were left untouched, and the treats were unceremoniously tossed aside. We did find rather quickly though, that cream cheese and turkey slices were most definitely on the menu. There’s also a slight obsession with heights with a few of them. They do whatever it takes to make sure they have acquired the high ground. Some of this behavior includes breaking out of their kennels so that they can sleep on top of it instead of inside of it. Or jumping up on the counter – not to get into anything, but just to have a better vantage point. One of our fosters famously came home from work one afternoon and found Jebediah waiting eagerly to greet her on top of the kitchen counter. After a brief stare-down, he hopped down and welcomed her home. 

Pictured here is war dog Ephraim. To learn more about Two by Two Animal Rescue, click here.

All in all, the war dogs are mild-mannered but still on a learning curve. A few of them would do better outdoors. A few of them are still on the shy side and need more time to adjust, but overall, they are just looking for what every dog is looking for – love, compassion, patience, and safety. To learn more about Two by Two Rescue and find adoptable pets, visit www.twobytworescue.com.

-Jeanie Hickman

Adoption Coordinator


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