Jaguar Khan 007 Birmingham Zoo 2 8 18

Visit the Zoo from Your Home!

Are We There Yet?


Go on an adventure in your living room with the Birmingham Zoo! The Zoo is launching a virtual series of family programming that guests can access from home. Zoo Educators lead Virtual Story Safari and Digital Discovery Adventures at various times Monday-Friday.

For families of younger children, the Virtual Story Safari features an animal and conservation related picture book. In addition, viewers can watch a short video lesson containing exclusive footage of some of the Zoo’s amazing animals. Digital Discovery Adventures are web-based classes for grades 3-12, geared to connect students to the Zoo in a more in-depth and engaging way. Curriculum in each session aligns with both state and national learning standards. “At this time, we are continuing to provide tangible, enjoyable resources for the community,” said Kate Davis, School Programs Manager. “We know our guests and supporters are missing the animals. These programs digitally fill that void, enabling them to still have a fun and engaging experience with their Zoo.” For more information on how to register for Virtual Story Safari($10 per family) and Digital Discovery Adventures($15 per student), visit †

Engage virtually with the animals at the Birmingham Zoo through their Virtual Story Safari!


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