Publishers note image gift of fear Nov 19 featured image


Laurie’s Blog


For years, I’ve considered fear or worry as a negative character trait. It’s been a hang up for me that I have sought to shake. Just when I think I have it licked-there it is. Recently I was given reason to have gratitude for that fear, to classify it as a gift. You see fear has a way of pushing me toward my heavenly Father. I don’t have the answers. He does.

When I feel anxious, my natural reaction is to try to control the situation, hang on to something, which is usually my will. I have learned the best remedy for me in this situation is to stop, look to the Lord, surrender my will and seek His (1 Chronicles 16:11). That gives me peace where fear once lived! And that my friend is a wonderful gift!

-Laurie Stroud 

Founder, The Christian Family Publication, Inc.

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“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” Martin Luther



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