Special Feature
“It’s about doing the right thing, for the right reason, the right way, at the right time,” says Congressman Gary Palmer about his role and the role of his team in serving families in Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District (Jefferson, Shelby, Blount, Bibb, Chilton and Coosa Counties) in Washington, D.C.Palmer believes his first two terms in office have given him the opportunity to build credibility, gather information and drive solutions to issues like paying down the national debt by cutting spending, including eliminating improper payments, and a health care plan that is affordable and available.
“It’s a nuts and bolts effort from day one,” says Palmer who sees a third term in office as an opportunity to do even more for the people of Alabama and the nation. “I’m not interested in passing a bunch of bills, so I can come back and tell you how many bills I’ve passed. I’m interested in doing things that will really substantively improve the nations prospects…It won’t be breaking news, but it will have a big impact,” says Palmer.
When it comes to Palmer’s congressional accomplishments over the past four years, he points to his team in Washington, his team in the District, local mayors, and Congressional colleagues, many of whom serve as he does from a Christian perspective “It often surprises people when I tell them how many Christians there are in Congress. I am in a Bible study that meets very Wednesday morning and we rotate around to each other’s offices. And then I’ve got a group of guys, there are six of us, that meet on the mornings we are flying home. We meet at 6 a.m. to pray for one another and hold each other accountable, and that goes on all over on the House and on the Senate side,” explains Palmer. “People who are bearing one another’s burdens, praying for one another, and trying to live out their faith in a fairly hostile environment that does not always appreciate people who love the Lord and are trying as best they can to serve His purposes in their lives.” Learn more about Congressman Palmer’s faith and family at www.birminghamchristian.com/cover-story-gary-palmer.