Best Books 0124 Sharing Jesus

Sharing Jesus, Showing Kindness

Best Books


How You Act Matters. Many churches struggle with the impact of the dramatic and sweeping changes that mark our time. People identify as nones (no religious affiliation) or dones (formerly churched but now dechurched). So how do we reach people and disciple believers in this cultural shift? How does the church have a positive impact for Christ in a broken world? The answer is found in history!

Sharing Jesus Showing Kindness cover
Click here to learn more about Sharing Jesus, Showing Kindness.

Go back to what the early church did: show kindness to a broken world- the Great Commandment. Go back to the church’s mission: share the good news of Jesus Christ- the Great Commission. Filled with practical applications and stories of real impact, Sharing Jesus, Showing Kindness will encourage and equip you and others to get out of the church building and into the community. You’ll be inspired to make an impact with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Author Alvin “Doc” Reid is the Director of Life Bible Study, an imprint of Iron Stream Media. A popular author, teacher, coach, and speaker, Reid has written over 20 books and has spoken or taught on four continents. He loves to encourage and add value to leaders. You can connect with him at

Sharing Jesus, Showing Kindness releases on March 5, 2024, and is available for pre-order wherever books are sold. †

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