2024 Scholarship Burnett

Scholarship Finalist: Lydia Burnett

Throughout my high school career, the Lord has presented me with many decisions to make.

What type of friend will I be? Turning to scripture, I chose to follow the example of Christ as he sought out those who were unseen by others. Being a class representative in Key Club has helped me to grow in my ability to lead large groups of people, understanding and learning to work with the strengths and weaknesses of individuals.

Lydia Burnett
Remlap, Ala. resident Lydia Burnett attends Crossroads Christian School.

What type of student will I be? Just as Christ respected those around them listening affirming and encouraging, so must I. I must also be willing to apply criticism and display discipline as I study, desiring to learn and grow in knowledge.

What type of daughter will I be? Christ continually looked to the needs of others before his own. So, I must also choose to serve my family with love and compassion as I take on more chores, drive my brother to practice, and care for my grandfather next-door.

What type of worker will I be? Christ did all for the glory of all, setting an example for his disciples to follow. As I interacted with locals at the Farmers Market or helped customers at the Soccer Concession Stand, I must choose to be personable but professional with costumers and strive for excellence, encouraging coworkers to do the same.

Lastly, what type of future is in store for me? To God I look, asking Him to make straight my path and to guide my steps, remembering He holds my future in His hands. As the Lord leads me to pursue a career in missions and ministry, He has guided me to Covenant College. This option at first seemed impossible due to financial considerations, and I had to decide whether I would trust in God’s sovereign plan for my life. The Lord continued working, calling me to trust Him and dedicate myself to His plan regardless of how impossible it seemed. In choosing to trust the Lord, I continue to experience Him making straight my path in ways I never foresaw.

From friends and family to work and school, Christ has used each of these decisions to mold me into the servant He desires me to be. As I continue my Christian walk, I will continue turning to Christ in scripture and in prayer seeking His direction and wisdom.

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