Best Books 0821 sacred endurance

Sacred Endurance

Best Books 


Sacred Endurance Cover ImageJesus knew some of his followers wouldn’t last. They heard the gospel and believed. They started out joyfully and strong. They were all in. But somewhere along the way they would quit. Troubles would come and their faith would be tested. Worries, money, or just plain sin would suffocate their spiritual life and they would fall away. It happened in Jesus’ day. It’s happened throughout church history. It still happens today- sometimes to our neighbors, friends or family. Perhaps it’s happened to you.

Sacred Endurance – Finding Grace and Strength for a Lasting Faith (Intervarsity Press) by Trillia J. Newbell is an excellent book for those who have grown weary in their faith. She offers practical advice and encouragement on running the race of faith well. When testing comes, when the road gets tough and the race seems long, when the world seems too powerful or the weight of sin and condemnation cause us to stumble, we can find hope and strength in Jesus and God’s grace. We can endure to the end. Jesus is faithful, ever ready to give us the strength we need for the journey.

Trillia Newbell Headshot
Trillia Newbell is the author of more than 10 books, including her children’s book God’s Very Good Idea. She lives with her husband and children in Nashville, Tenn.

Many years ago, a friend of mine preached a sermon that I still remember. The topic was about ending our faith journey well. Some followers of Jesus will quit. Some will abandon the faith, often crashing in dramatic fashion. But we don’t have to be like those Jesus warned about. Sacred Endurance reminds us that our Savior is a faithful Lord. In Jesus, there is grace and strength for a lasting faith. The prize is before us, so let’s run the race with hope, joy, and love.

-Darrel Holcombe, Owner

Sanctuary Christian Books and Gifts

Colonial Promenade, Alabaster 


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