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The Right to Write: Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School

Education Extra

<em>Retired Judge Sonny Ferguson was one of the many professionals who spoke with students at Ultimate Author Day. He is seen her with granddaughter, Peyton Bradford, reading with her the book she wrote and illustrated.</em>
Retired Judge Sonny Ferguson was one of the many professionals who spoke with students at Ultimate Author Day. He is seen her with granddaughter, Peyton Bradford, reading with her the book she wrote and illustrated.

More than 400 Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School (OLS) students experienced “America -The Right to Write” with an entire day filled with exciting patriotic and educational activities presented by professionals and volunteers. The event was a part of the school’s annual Ultimate Author Day (UAD). “We want our students to continue to be proud of our country and to never forget how precious our freedoms are,” said OLS Principal Mary Jane Dorn. “Since the children are our future, we felt the importance to rejuvenate their enthusiasm about patriotism through their writing and have the opportunity to learn from other professionals and volunteers in the community.” Throughout the school year, each OLS student in grades Wee-K3 through eighth grade enjoyed writing and illustrating their very own book that was published. On UAD they celebrated their accomplishments and learned more about various forms of language expression, while their books were on display in the school library for everyone to enjoy,





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