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Pursuing God’s Favor

Encouraging Word


Jesus begins His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:1-10 with the beatitudes. What are the beatitudes? They are defined as supreme blessedness or a proper attitude that will bring divine favor or blessing. Attitude is defined as a way of thinking that influences one’s behavior. Let’s look at the beatitudes that Christians should strive to incorporate into their life.

1.  Poor in spirit. Found in Matthew 5:3, this beatitude means to be “lacking in arrogance” (Romans 12:3), to not be self-sufficient (Matthew 16:24), and to be dependent on God for all good things.

2. To Mourn. This beatitude in Matthew 5:4 means to have deep sorrow or regret over sin. Godly sorrow produces repentance. Those who mourn will be comforted.

3. Be Meek. Meekness is the beatitude found in Matthew 5:5. To be meek is to be gentle and humble, to have patient restraint, and to be submissive to authority. The meek will inherit the earth (Matthew 6:33), as they submit to God and seek His will.

4. Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. This beatitude found in Matthew 5:6 means to pursue God (Jeremiah 29:13). To pursue means to be diligent, to chase, and follow. Righteousness is living in a right relationship with God. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied.

5. Be Merciful. Mentioned in Matthew 5:7, this beatitude means to have compassion and concern for those suffering, to demonstrate forgiveness, and to withhold punishment or retaliation. Mercy is a two-way exchange- you must receive mercy and grant mercy.

6. Pure in Heart. This beatitude in Matthew 5:8 is defined as being clean, morally good, sincere, honest, free from corruption and compromise, and untainted with evil (James 1:27). Only those “spiritually clean,” shall see God.

7. Peacemakers. Found in Matthew 5:9, this beatitude describes someone who promotes peace through reconciliation. A peacemaker helps people find peace with God and one another (II Corinthians 5:20). Peacemakers shall be called sons/daughters of God.

8. Persecuted. This beatitude in Matthew 5:10 means to be treated cruelly or unfairly because of your faith. As Christians, we should stand our ground and live out our convictions no matter what. Persecution should not hinder us.

If we apply these beatitudes to our lives, we will be blessed and receive God’s favor.

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission

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