Two by Two Rescue cat Whiskers

Meet Adoptable Cats at Two by Two Rescue

The Family Pet


As a child, my grandmother always used to say that a house is not a home without a cat. My mom was terrified of cats at the time, so in hindsight, it may have been a subtle dig towards Mom for stealing away her favorite son. Nevertheless, her words stuck with me. Eventually, we convinced my mom to get a cat and the juxtaposition between cat behavior and dog behavior was not only vast but also entertaining. Cats can love so fiercely in one moment and then revert to plotting world domination in the next. After months of watching us submit articles related to dogs, the Two By Two cats demanded their presence be known in this issue. 

Two by Two Rescue cat Vanessa
Pictured here is Vanessa, one of the beautiful cats available for adoption through Two by Two Rescue.

The Two by Two cats run the spectrum as far as personality goes. Some of them are shy, some docile and loving, while others spend most of their days daydreaming about the many forms of chaos they could be causing. Many of them have been exposed to dogs and get along with them or at the very least tolerate their antics. Some have come to believe that they are part canine themselves and will wag their tails. Others know full well that they are felines and will use their prowess to their advantage to launch sneak attacks on their unsuspecting opponents. The one thing they all have in common is that they are all waiting anxiously for the day to come when they can make a house a home. Two by Two hasn’t completely gone to the dogs. If you’re looking for a feline friend to add to your family, we surely have the purr-fect match!

Two by Two Rescue cat Bolt
If you’d like to learn more about Bolt (pictured above), click here.

Two by Two is a faith-based, no kill rescue whose mission is to give life to abandoned, abused, stray, and distressed animals. Saving animal lives for more than 20 years, Two by Two operates out of Birmingham, Ala., and has coordinated the rescue and adoption of cats, dogs, horses, and even a few pot-bellied pigs. Two by Two has placed dogs in almost forty states and even a few abroad! To learn more about Two by Two visit

-Jeanie Hickman

Adoption Coordinator


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