Best Books 1221 Jesus Listens

Jesus Listens

Best Books


Jesus Listens Cover 1In the days of the prophet Jeremiah, things were pretty grim. Political problems were compounded by the people’s propensity to belief falsehoods, religious leaders were at war with one another, and the judgement of God was gathering like a hurricane over the distant horizon. In the middle of the weeping prophet’s unpopular proclamations of impending woe, we encounter a verse that contains hope and assurance. “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”  In the middle of the chaos and confusion and lies and treachery, God makes an astounding promise. If we come to Him with sincere and committed hearts, He will welcome our prayers. God will listen.

Sarah Young
Sarah Young is the author of several books including Jesus Calling,  Jesus Always, and Jesus Today available at Sanctuary Christian Books and Gifts in Alabaster. Photo Credit: Jeremy Cowart

Sarah Young’s new release, Jesus Listens (Thomas Nelson Publishing), is a devotional offering daily prayers with scripture references to support the substance of each prayer. As the author of Jesus Calling, I believe I am safe in saying that no single person has ministered more hope and spiritual comfort to the people of God in the last twenty years than Young. Her books have encouraged multitudes during times of heartbreak, anxiety, and trauma. She a modern Barnabas, a daughter of encouragement. In Jesus Calling, Young wrote words of hope from God’s perspective. In Jesus Listens, she writes prayers from the reader’s perspective. I have no doubt that God will continue to use her writing to strengthen the faith of many people in the years to come.

-Darrel Holcombe, Owner

Sanctuary Christian Books and Gifts

Colonial Promenade, Alabaster 


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