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First Encounters

Publisher’s Note


The first time I laid eyes on my husband he was way up in the treetops of his front yard- cutting dead limbs. Little did I know that God would have big plans for us to meet a few years later.

God’s timing is everything. 

I was recently reading the story of Zacheus’ first encounter with Jesus (Luke 19). I have read it and heard it many times, but this time what struck me was how startled Zacheus had to have been when Jesus acknowledged him- saw him way up in that tree! Jesus, in a crowd of people, all vying for his attention, chooses to look up and not only see Zacheus, but also call out to him and invite himself over to Zacheus’ house!

This story reminds me that Jesus sees each of us in whatever predicament we find ourselves. He wants us to invite Him into those situations to bare our burdens and rejoice with us over the gifts He brings into our lives. One of the biggest gifts in my life is that man who startled me from way up in the treetops so many years ago. He is a wonderful gift I couldn’t have even imagined back then. You see, the day I glanced up and saw him, I was in a world of hurt, deep dark hurt, but a couple of years later that man became a trusted friend, and a few years later the love of my life.

God’s timing is everything. 

And by the way, like Zacheus, my husband isn’t a very tall man. He’s just right for me.

Laurie Stroud Franklin-Laurie Franklin 

Founder, The Christian Family Publication, Inc.

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1 Chronicles 16:11 (Holman Standard)

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