Exercise Your Right to Vote!
High school students from across the state recently gathered at the American Village in Montevallo for a Student Mock Election Convention. The one hundred plus students vowed to “demonstrate their commitment to the principles of liberty and American self-government and ‘Stand Up for the Right to Vote’ by helping lead the Nation in the number of participants in a Student Mock Election October 25.” The students were charged with the task of encouraging their school principals, teachers, student councils and other student organizations to work together to make sure their school (public, private, religious, or home school) participates in the Student Mock Election.
The American Village hosted the event under the leadership of Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill and in partnership with the Alabama Department of Education, the Alabama Independent School Association, corporate sponsors, and schools including public, private, church/religious, and home schools. The goal of the mock election is to support teaching about American history, civics, government and foster reading, thinking, speaking, discussion and other skills. Most importantly the convention and mock election help prepare young people for the most important role in American self-government- Citizen.
Learn more at www.americanvillage.org. †