Isabella wrapped in Army uniform

Building a Foundation at Big Oak Ranch

Miracle Moments


Brought to you by: Molly Maid of Birmingham,

Community Partner 25 Years“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” Psalm 33:11

I have never known my biological father, and my mother was not capable of taking care of me. By the time I turned ten, I had been in six different schools, I didn’t have any friends, and I didn’t know what normal looked like. I moved in with my grandmother, but she was worried about taking care of me long-term because of her age. After a friend told her about Big Oak Ranch, she started the placement process. It was hard for her, but my grandmother trusted her faith and put my needs above hers. 

Trammell wedding photo
Dakota and Kerith Trammell are seen here on their wedding day.

I remember pulling under the arch of the Big Oak sign. I saw the homes, the pool, and my favorite, the gym. My grandmother helped me understand what the Ranch would provide, and I was excited about the new place I would soon call home. When I arrived, I unpacked my few belongings from the suitcase my grandmother had bought me just to take to the Ranch. There were lots of kids, but I gradually started making friends and getting used to the family structure. My houseparents (Janet and Jeremy Cockrell) were consistent with me and my siblings, and that stability helped me thrive. It was nice to know what to expect when I woke up each morning. I graduated from high school with Advanced Honors and worked a couple of different jobs before deciding to talk with an Army recruiter. Today, I’m a Sergeant in the U.S. Army, having served in Afghanistan, Romania, and Germany. 

Isabella wrapped in Army uniform
The Trammells welcomed their first child, Isabella, in July of 2023.

When I came to the Ranch, and even for a time while living at the Ranch, I didn’t know who I was, but now I can look at myself in the mirror and say I am proud of the man I am. Everything I do, I learned from Big Oak. My houseparents were always there to help me. They have never missed an important event and are still there for me and my family. I am married to one of the most caring and loving people I have ever met. I know my wife, Kerith, will always be by my side no matter what. Our first child, Isabella, was born in July 2023, and I cannot wait to see what a world changer she is going to be! At Big Oak, I learned what a loving family is supposed to look like, the type of wife I wanted, and the type of man God wants me to be. Big Oak shows kids purpose and love. It is a real, authentic home.

-Dakota Trammell

Big Oak Boys’ Ranch Former Resident

Miracle Moments


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