Veterans in chairs in airport

Alabama Veterans Honored on D-Day Anniversary

Special Feature


Birmingham-based Lettermen of the USA (LotUSA) joined hands with Honoring Veteran Legacies to send three Alabama World War II heroes back to Normandy for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. 

Veterans in chairs in airport
Howard Polin, Otis Brannon, and Authur Hullett were able to return to Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

LotUSA, an Alabama national 501 (c)(3), donated to sponsor an Alabama veteran to Normandy and helped make the trip possible. Every dollar donated to Honoring Veteran Legacies, an Alabama 501 (c)(3), went directly to support three Alabama World War II veterans on this life-changing and healing trip. 

Veteran at Ceremony
The three Alabama veterans were able to attend a moving wreath laying ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

The three Army Alabama Veterans who attended the 80th Anniversary ceremonies were Howard Polin (100 years old), Otis Brannon (97 years old), and Arthur Hullett (97 years old). The veterans visited the windswept Omaha and Utah beaches where American troops landed on D-Day and the Normandy American Cemetery. The veterans said, “When you go to a military graveyard where almost 10,000 Americans are buried and stand on some of the battlefields, it’s very moving.” The honored veterans also got to fly in a C-47 World War II plane that flew during the war. When asked what life advice he would give to others, Howard Polin responded, “All I can say is, be a good person. Live and let live.” Polin was an Eagle Scout when he joined the Army in World War II. He then said, “I’m a great believer in the Scout Oath. On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country…” He then recited the entire Scout Oath by heart.

Lettermen of the USA will host the 6th Annual “One Yard at a Time Gala” at The Club in Birmingham on February 28, 2025. Guests will have the opportunity to meet and celebrate with military heroes, former college and professional football players, and coaches to help raise money for veterans in need. Lettermen of the USA is a social impact non-profit organization that harnesses the incredible power of former college athletes, as well as active and former coaches nationwide to help veterans of local communities who are in need. For more details visit †


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