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Creating a Sustainable Business: Finders, Minders & Grinders

Special Feature


Brought to you by: Community Partner Accounting for Profits

There is so much chatter out there about how to hire and retain workers, you could drown in good advice. But one thing is for certain:  team building is harder than it looks, and harder than people want to admit. Most entrepreneurs think that starting the business will be the hard part.  Recruiting a harmonious, high functioning, efficient team is essential to every business of any size. When building such a team, you will need to strike the right balance between Minders, Finders and Grinders.

FINDERS are the ones at the top of the pyramid who find the business. They are the owners, the CEO and the success of the business depends on them. They Must keep their eye on the prize.  They hunt for a living, spending their time on business development, customer relations and finding work that others will deliver on.

MINDERS keep their eyes on the processes and harmony, making sure the ship is on course, moving in the right direction and at the right speed. They keep life in order, projects on time, cash flow and profit margins controlled and functioning at maximum capacity. They are highly skilled, can lead and manage others and keep all the plates spinning with incredible ease. They know the Finders goals and objectives and move toward them, or change course, efficiently.

GRINDERS are the worker bees that produce, deliver, research, count, add, subtract and hustle to make things happen. They work like crazy to get it all done. They are the executional area of the organization.

In the beginning, start-up Finders may serve in all three roles. But as a business grows, and in order for it to be sustainable, and someday sellable, the Minding and Grinding duties must be delegated to the right people, striking the right balance for the entire team. There is no perfect formula or timetable, but this should occur long before the Finder is “working like crazy,” having sleepless nights and trying to “spin” it all.

Accounting for Profits, Inc. was founded in 1990 to provide the Minding and Grinding duties to small and mid-size firms with the same skills that only the very large firms can afford.  A part-time Chief Financial Officer can provide any and all Minding functions, including supervising existing staff or providing financial Grinders.  To learn more about how Accounting for Profits can help your business, visit or call 205-369-7128.

-Joanie Gable 

Founder, Accounting for Profits, Inc.

[email protected]


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