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The Good Shepherd & His Sheep

Encouraging Word


In John 10:11-14, Jesus refers to Himself as the “Good Shepherd.” Sheep need a shepherd. Matthew 9:36 says when Jesus saw the multitudes, He felt compassion for them because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd. Psalm 23 describes the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep. This relationship is a good analogy of Christ and the Church. Jesus is the Shepherd and we the Church are the sheep. Sheep cannot survive on their own. King David knew firsthand the close and personal relationship between the shepherd and his sheep. In Psalm 23, David uses the personal pronoun to describe this close and personal relationship seventeen times in six verses. Let’s look deeper at Psalm 23.

Provision. In verses one and two, David acknowledges that he is a sheep, and the Lord is his shepherd. Here the shepherd supplies provision. Green pastures and still waters are provided.

Restoration and Direction. In verse three, restoration (rest and renewal) is made available. Also, direction (guidance) is supplied. “He leads me in the paths of righteousness.”

Protection. In verse four, the shepherd provides protection. The shepherd’s rod and staff are there to rescue and protect. The shepherd guides the sheep through “dark places.”

Encouragement and Strength. In verse five, encouragement and strength are available as we face adversity. In trying times, we can rely on God’s presence, favor, and blessing.

Assurance. Verse six assures us of salvation both in this life and in the life to come. “And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Since we are sheep that desperately need a shepherd, make sure the Lord Jesus Christ is your Shepherd. Be like King David and say, “The Lord is my Shepherd.”

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission

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