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The Importance of Engaging with Your Local Church

Parenting Points


Church can be challenging, but it’s also a place where you belong. There have been many days, both attending and serving in churches, where you may have been tempted never to return. When broken people gather to seek to glorify and walk with Jesus in community, it can be messy. But despite the mess that often comes with it, there is power in Christians walking with Jesus in Christian community. The early church in the book of Acts “devoted” (Acts 4:42) themselves to each other in Christian community. In our busy world where faith is often defined as a “me and Jesus” or “private” thing, why is it important for us and our families to engage with our local church?

Power of Gathered Worship. Something extraordinary happens when we gather with other believers to worship Jesus. Through a time of corporate worship, we are reminded of what we believe through the Word and sacraments, exhorted through a sermon to live out that belief in everyday life, and given space to respond to the greatness of Jesus’ work in our lives through prayer and worship to Him. Corporate worship provides an environment for us to connect with God and others, inspiring us to live our lives in a way that glorifies Him.

Importance of Intentional Discipleship. In the New Testament and early church, disciples were not manufactured merely by reading books and learning theology. A disciple learned to walk with Jesus by walking alongside another brother and sister in Christ. In the church, we have opportunities through church programming and relational connection to find people for us and our kids to walk with on a journey of discipleship. Through this discipleship process, we learn to disciple our kids and others to walk with Jesus.

World Transformation through Connected Mission. It is hard to do mission alone. Many physical needs surround us. We encounter lost people daily who need the hope of the Gospel. Our cities and the nations need to experience the power of a church engaged in mission together. We can see a change in our world by combining our gifts, passions, and resources in the local church to serve our neighborhoods and the nations.

We are not meant to walk with Jesus alone. We and our families need the local church’s community, connection, and shared mission. As you and your family make plans for this fall season, will you choose to make your local church a priority?

Ben Birdsong-Dr. Ben Birdsong 

Director of European Expansion for First Priority Global Ministries  

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