0924 Rylee

What Was Evil, Used for Good: Rylee’s Big Challenge

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What was evil. Used for good. That’s the overarching words of encouragement found in Mark White’s new children’s book, Rylee’s Big Challenge. In August of 2023, White, host of the The Mark White Show, received a message from a show listener looking for help in a bullying situation. “Having been bullied in school myself, I had shared some of my experiences with my show audience. A mom reached out to me about her daughter, Rylee, and what she was going through with bullies. When I found out that Rylee loved softball, I reached out to former UAB softball coach Marla Townsend,” says White.

Rylee's Big Challenge Cover
Meet Mark White of the Mark White Show during the Celebrate the Family Expo on September 14, 2024. He will record his podcast at the event and will have copies of his new book.

What Coach Townsend did next would give Rylee some supporters she would never have dreamed of having. “Coach Townsend contacted softball players at Alabama, Auburn, LSU, and UAB. They all sent video messages to Rylee to encourage her,” shares White. Although Rylee loved softball, she had decided not to try out for her school team. “When the videos began coming in, I would share them with Rylee’s mom, and she would share them with Rylee. The day after she received videos from the players was tryout day for the school team. Rylee was so encouraged by the videos that she changed her mind, tried out for the school team, and made it,” he adds.

Rylee batting on softball field
Rylee, whose story inspired Mark White to write Rylee’s Big Challenge, is seen here playing softball in South Alabama. Photo courtesy of Rylee’s family.

A few months later, White was sitting in his recliner at home when the idea for Rylee’s story hit him. “I was sitting there thinking of this young lady and all the things that came together for her to overcome the bullies. I thought it was a great message for a children’s book, so I started typing out the story.” As for illustrations, White had someone special in mind- Kim Soderberg who is known for her personal and professional passion for helping children grow in kindness through visual storytelling. “She is an incredible illustrator,” says White. “She, along with a couple of authors who had used her as an illustrator, had been on my show before and I really wanted her for this project.” Soderberg agreed but White still needed a publisher. “I reached out to Carissa Lovvorn who had written several children’s books. She had experience and I asked if she would be my publisher,” White says, adding, “She agreed, and the book was published under Starbeams Publishing.” Almost exactly one year after having the idea for the story, Rylee’s Big Challenge was released in August 2024.

White says he hopes Rylee’s story will encourage other young people to find success despite being bullied. “I want kids to know that they are cared about and that they can overcome big challenges.” Rylee’s Big Challenge can be purchased at www.TheMarkWhiteShow.com. You can also meet Mark White and purchase a copy of his book at the Celebrate the Family Expo on September 14, 2024 at the Hoover Met Complex’s Finley Center. Learn more at www.birminghamchristian.com/expo2024. †

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